Gaby Breitenbach_Inside ViewsGaby has the unique gift of taking us into the horror of the consequences of sexual violence without plunging us into information that could be too difficult for most people to read.  She has written a “page turner.”

She writes in depth about how the wonderful biological help of dissociation is misused by perpetrators to construct the inner world of their victims and use them in ways beyond imagination. This can be healed. It takes time, but it is not impossible.

I dissociated as a child, having been a victim of my father for 13 years.  In the last 25 years, I have been in personal contact with more adults, sexually violated as children, than anyone in America.  I have witnessed the pain and dysfunction. I assumed “Inside..” would be for professionals, only, but it is urgently important for all who want to have an understanding of how violence and dissociation impact lives and, perhaps most importantly, how survivors are healed.

– ` Marilyn

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